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Municipal Drinking Water & Wastewater Systems

Did you know that the municipal drinking water provided to the Town of Greater Napanee comes from Lake Ontario? The raw water is pumped underground, along County Road 8, for 16 kilometers before it reaches the A.L. Dafoe Water Purification Plant for treatment and disinfection. After treatment, the water is sent through a series of underground pipes to homes and businesses within the Town. Take a look at our map of the A.L. Dafoe Water Distribution System.

Typically, if your home or business is connected to the municipal drinking water supply in Napanee, it is likely that your wastewater (sewage) is treated at the Napanee Water Pollution Control Plant. Here is a map of the Napanee Wastewater Collection System

The Town of Greater Napanee also provides municipal drinking water to residents in the Sandhurst Shores subdivision. There are approximately 100 homes who are connected to the municipal drinking water system. To help you visualize what the underground pipes look like, take a look at our map of the Sandhurst Shores Water Distribution System

Our town has 3,500 service connections within the drinking water systems. In addition, the Town operates and maintains:

  • 2 Water Treatment Plants
  • 1 Raw Water Pumping Station
  • 2 Raw Water Reservoirs
  • 2 Treated Water Booster Stations
  • 1 Treated Water Storage Tank
  • 1 Treated Water Storage Tower
  • 490 Fire Hydrants
  • 90 km of Water Distribution Piping which includes Numerous Valves
  • 1 Water Pollution Control Plant
  • 7 Sewage Lift Stations
  • 62 km of Wastewater Collection Piping and Various Manholes

Our Drinking Water Facilities:

A.L. Dafoe Purification Plant

The A.L. Dafoe Purification Plant and distribution system provides a potable water supply to the residents and businesses of the Town of Napanee. The facilities include a Class III conventional water treatment plant having an approved capacity of 10,450 m3 /d, and a Class II water distribution system which are owned and operated by the Town of Greater Napanee. Source water for the treatment process is drawn from Lake Ontario, a surface water source, located approximately 18 km south of the town. Potentially pathogenic organisms are removed from the raw water source by the following processes:

1. Pre-chlorination 
2. Coagulation / flocculation / sedimentation 
3. Filtration 
4. Post-chlorination (primary disinfection) 
5. Distribution system chlorine residual (secondary disinfection)

Treated water is pumped from the purification plant into the distribution system. Two pressure booster stations are used to ensure adequate system pressure in areas of higher elevation or locations significantly removed from the plant and elevated storage tanks. Two elevated storage tanks are integral components of the distribution system. The purpose of the storage tanks is to provide relatively constant system pressure and a reserve volume of water for community fire protection.

Watch how backwashing is done at the A.L. Dafoe Purification Plant:

Sandhurst Shores Water Treatment Plant

The Sandhurst Shores Water Treatment Plant and distribution system provides a potable water supply to the residents of Sandhurst Shores. The facilities include a Class II chemically assisted filtration package treatment unit (design capacity of 372 m3 /d), and a Class I water distribution system, which are owned and operated by the Town of Greater Napanee. Source water for the treatment process is drawn from Lake Ontario, a surface water source. Potentially pathogenic organisms are removed from the raw water source by the following processes:

1. Pre-chlorination 
2. Coagulation / flocculation / sedimentation 
3. Filtration 
4. Post-chlorination (primary disinfection) 
5. Distribution system chlorine residual (secondary disinfection)

Treated water is pumped from the treatment plant into the distribution system. There are approximately 50 valves and 26 hydrants located within the distribution system. Three dedicated sampling hydrants are installed at the far reaches of the system for water quality sampling.

Take a look at how water sampling is collected:

For more information on Greater Napanee's Drinking Water Quality Management System, take a look at the Drinking Water Quality Management System - Operational Plan.

For information in alternate formats, please contact Hollie Knapp-Fisher

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