Our Waste Disposal Sites accept leaves and brush year-round. Should you wish to take these items directly to our waste disposal sites, please see site information listed on our Waste Disposal Sites page.
Leaf & Brush Collection Event Details:
Leaf and brush collection happens twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. This service is intended for general yard clean-up of leaves and brush only and does not apply to tree removal. If you see Town staff collecting brush and leaves ahead of schedule it is because they are trying to get a head start with collection. Staff will return to your neighbourhood on the assigned collection day to collect brush and leaves placed at the curbside.
Please keep in mind the following guidelines to ensure that your leaves and brush are collected properly and effectively:
- Please place all leaves and brush at the curbside no later than 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled start day for your area. Please note that the dates provided are starting dates only and the materials at the curbside will be collected by the end of your scheduled week, weather permitting.
- Please ensure leaves are bagged using paper bags
- Tree limbs and brush are to be tied in bundles no longer than 5 feet in length and no larger than 4 inches in diameter
- Paper bags and brush left at the curbside after your collection date will not be picked up
- Residents who reside on private roads/lanes must bring the materials to the main intersection for curbside collection.
Spring 2024: Leaf & Brush Collection
April 15-19, 2024: Urban area residents (from Highway 401 to County Road 8 at the golf course hill)
April 22, 2024: Rural area residents.
Rural area residents MUST call Infrastructure Services at 613-354-3351 ext. 113 prior to Friday, April 19, 2024, to arrange for rural pickup.